Frequently Asked Questions

When should I arrive for Worship?

Services start on Sunday morning at 11:00am, but many people arrive a few minutes before the service to prepare for worship and greet those around them. If you're running late for worship, don't worry — just find a seat and join in with the service. We are glad you're here!

What should I expect when I get there?

A friendly smile and a warm welcome! As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will hand you a bulletin with details about the service. If you let them know you're visiting, they can help you with any questions you may have. We encourage you to fill out a Connection Card so we know you are with us. There is a QR Code in the bulletin if you prefer to complete the form online, you can take a card from the pew, fill it out, and drop it in the collection plate or you may use the kiosk in the narthex.

What should I wear?

You will find a wide variety of clothing choices at Holy Spirit, ranging from casual to formal. The pastors typically wear clerical collars and robes. Dress comfortably. Please know we expect guests and tourists and understand you may need to be dressed casually for the rest of your day.

Is there a nursery?

Children are welcomed and encouraged to attend worship. We have a cry room outside of the sanctuary and a nursery room for feeding or changing needs.  Children also have the opportunity to join in Children's Church during our 11am service. An usher will direct you or answer any questions you may have.

May I share in Holy Communion?

We trust that Jesus Christ is fully present in the meal of Holy Communion (also called The Lord's Supper or Eucharist). All baptized Christians whether or not they are members of this congregation, are welcome at Christ's table.

During distribution, an usher directs worshipers forward by row. Depending on the Sunday or Festival, we receive communion either around the altar kneeling at the rail or walking forward at the head of the center aisle. Instructions are always provided in the worship bulletin. Gluten-free wafers are available.

If you do not participate in Holy Communion, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing during distribution. ​When you come forward, cross your arms across your chest to let the pastor know you would like a blessing.

Holy Spirit is a part of the ELCA, which partners with several other denominations in a relationship called full communion. One of the characteristics of full communion is mutual recognition of Baptisms and sharing of The Lord's Supper.


3075 Bees Ferry Road
Charleston, SC




[email protected]


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